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Marketing Advisory

How to be better than the competition?
What do I need marketing for in my business?

How can we contextualize Marketing? How does a company benefit from Marketing Consulting? Marketing can be defined as “a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with other.”, says Philip Kotler, Marketing Guru.

Marketing in Companies

Marketing is the area that encompasses tools aimed at satisfying consumers’ desires and needs. Any company needs Marketing to understand its market, how it will present itself to its target audience, and with what means it will be able to win and retain customers. Our Marketing Consulting services aims, therefore, to establish a close contact with your company, so that through the understanding of the market in which it operates, and the intrinsic characteristics of the organization, it can delineate Marketing Strategies, aimed at the product or service, pricing, means of distribution and promotion.

Marketing Advisory Activities

Free yourself from fixed marketing costs! Contact Us

Marketing in small and medium-sized companies

Our Business Consultancy specialized in Marketing who work closely with your company Marketing Assistant or, in most cases, in small and medium-sized companies, directly with the management teams, allow you to quickly choose the right tools to adopt, and which will constitute the strategic starting point of a product or service.

What is the relationship between Marketing & the General Strategy of the Company?

It is through Strategic Marketing that the two points (marketing and the general strategy) touch each other. A company’s strategy is the definition of the key points for the development of its activity, with strategic marketing being one of the marketing areas responsible for defining all the actions to be carried out, from the point of view of strategy, so that the promotion of a product or service to the market is possible and the sale occurs.

É através do Marketing Estratégico que os dois pontos se tocam, intimamente. A estratégia de uma empresa é a definição dos pontos chave para o desenvolvimento da sua atividade, sendo o marketing estratégico uma das áreas de marketing responsável pela definição de todas as ações a realizar, do ponto de vista da estratégia, para que seja possível a venda e divulgação de um produto ou serviço junto do mercado.

In short, strategic marketing is the basis of all Marketing activities of a company, establishing the guidelines for the company’s performance in this domain:


  • Market Studies
  • SWOT Analysis
  • BCG Matrix
  • Market Segmentation
  • Market Targeting
  • Positioning
  • Marketing-mix strategy

With the complete analysis of these factors, it is possible for professionals involved in consulting and marketing to base the actions they must carry out in order to achieve success in production, distribution and promotion, reducing risks and uncertainties

On a company internal level, marketing is also of paramount importance, because through actions aimed at raising awareness of the importance of personal valuing and inspiration, we can have a team that is fully motivated and on-board with the direction.

Marketing is an area of dynamic intervention, which, despite similar basic concepts, adapts to different contexts and sectors of activity, through the adaptation of tools and methods of action. For example, Marketing aimed at the Tourism sector, called Tourism Marketing, adapts the processes to the tourism industry and all its specificities, in order to ensure a successful positioning and promotion of a brand, company or product/service!

Dual Up Consulting - Marketing Advisory

The development of actions in the Marketing Consultancy ensures that they are the facilitating element of a set of actions that, according to the entire functional structure, outline action vectors that allow achieving the defined objectives.

Dual Up supports companies, freeing them from fixed marketing costs, catering to all the needs that the company requests.

Main Objectives in Marketing Advisory

  • Understand consumer habits and their influences;
  • Study the context surrounding the company;
  • Implement information flows and research systems;
  • Analyze competition;
  • Set goals and work results-oriented;
  • Find market opportunities as well as new market segments and niches;
  • Establish promotion and communication actions;
  • Control budgets.


Consultancy Marketing is, therefore, a process of monitoring and continuous action, in partnership with the company. At the time of execution of the various defined Marketing actions, other areas of Marketing will also have their intervention, namely Relational Marketing and Direct Marketing, in establishing a relationship of loyalty among the company’s customers.

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