Dual Up Consulting has a motivated and creative team that believes in talent and that good ideas can make great projects!
This way Dual Up Consulting stands by the entrepreneur’s side during the company’s creation, so that they have the best development tools and consolidação of your idea, in a way that your idea becomes a reality, in this process of creating a company.
Entrepreneurship Intervention fields
The consolidation of these fields allow the entrepreneur the needed investment to create the company.
Idea Validation
The idea checker and the pitch checker will complement the Business Plan and will create the path to create the company through idea trial mechanisms, along with the field project “gurus”. The idea checker will allow you to test the business idea, along with specialists who will give you feedback about the project as well as suggestions to make it stronger, about the business model to be implemented and the needs to be filled in the market. On the other hand the pitch checker will allow you to test and train a solid, simple and precise presentation to deliver your project idea to any investor in a few minutes.
Formal Plan Development
The Business Plan (Start-Up Plan) is the main element to support the whole project to create a company, through the explanation of the whole business idea, means to use and expected results, which will be supported with financial and economic studies. This plan must be a simple, realistic document with the main points of analysis that can quickly express the business ideas to a potential investor.
Dual Up Consulting will help the project promoter to make a proper structure for his business and to make sustainable financial predictions which can make investors interested, in the moment to present the action plan to create the company.
The support partners
Given the difficulty to get contacts in the beginning of a project, with potential investors, Dual Up Consulting helps the promoter, when creating the company, get people interested in making the project happen, through investments. This will happen with Dual Up’s partners in the Venture Capital and Business Angels fields.
The Team
The consultants panel in the entrepreneurship field cover the most diverse intervention fields and activities so that the assistance made in the entrepreneurship field is solid and effective with the aim to help in fields like management, leadership and marketing. Solidify a company creation project. Our methods are dynamic and flexible that allow Dual Up Consulting to match your solutions to the reality of the company to be created, this way all methods available are able to be implemented.
Based on the development of fundamental elements for the presentation of the market idea, in a steady, well-established, complete and tested way, the methods are focused on making the idea grow, through criticism and experts’ opinions in each field, that will make the project stronger when creating the company.
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