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Idea Checker

Have you thought about testing your idea before creating a company?
What points could be reinforced in the business model to be implemented when creating a company?

The Idea Checker


In the initial phase of any idea or project, the entrepreneur should ask:

The opportunity to present the business idea to consultants specialized in the intervention area of this idea is the key point of this method.

How is the Idea Checker method developed?


It’s not enough to have an idea, but this is the basis of a whole business! 

The idea checker creates opportunities to present this idea to panels of consultants with extensive experience in the area, so that through the inputs made by them, the result is a business idea more suited to the market and consolidated, through the strengthening of its weak points. This validation will give the entrepreneur confidence to be able to create a sustainable company that will actually make a difference.

  • Prior analysis of the business idea and the intervention area, to define the qualified specialist who will analyze the idea.
  • Appointment of a meeting with an expert or panel of experts who will develop a critical analysis of the idea’s feasibility.
  • Presentation of the idea, through the pitch method.
  • Expert appraisal of the project from the point of view of alternative strategies and paths to be followed.
  • Monitoring the restructuring and adaptation of the business idea, so that it materializes as a basis for its promoter to create a company.


In the early stage plan phase, in which the financing mechanisms to create a company are largely based on venture capital and business angels, a consolidated idea will be able to guarantee the acquisition of the investment necessary to carry out the projects.

At Dual Up Consulting we believe in the power of ideas!

Portugal is a country with great entrepreneurial potential, where out of every 3 people, 2 want to create a business. Unfortunately, there is a low percentage of business ideas in new companies. The correct monitoring of a project in the embryonic stage will do with all the difference in the success of your business.

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