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Strategic Organizational Analysis

Rethink your company’s future!

Design the new path to success!

Focusing on the future and what strategies to implement to ensure the success or recovery of the company are the fundamental principles of a Strategic Organizational Analysis. All companies need to analyze their development vectors and how they will plan actions to achieve the expected results, in the long term, or, in turn, how to recover the company.

Strategic Organizational Analysis


Strategic Organizational Analysis intends to answer questions such as:

  • Where am I?

  • Where do I want to go?

  • Through what means of action?

  • What tools will enable recovery?

A company with a defined mission, values ​​and vision tends to touch all these points as a vector of business direction.

With the Strategic Organizational Analysis it is possible to diagnose all the key management points of the organization, thus managing to mobilize and detail all the resources necessary to achieve the outlined objectives. These objectives should be clear, coherent and concise so that the analysis can fully meet them.

The goals may respond to expansion or recovery needs. A company that dedicates resources to this strategic organizational analysis will promote alternative paths in the face of vicissitudes

There are numerous mechanisms for analyzing the organization in order to guarantee an action plan, but they all have the same basis: to better understand a company and the path to be traced, whether in a moment of expansion or in a moment of recovery.

A company that respects the guidelines of these mechanisms will enhance its success in the market.

With extensive experience in business support for strategic recovery projects, where recovering the company is the motto, Dual Up Consulting is alongside the internal management team to define the essential points and address existing weaknesses, with panels of consultants specialized in different Management fields, which will ensure a cohesive analysis focused on the company and the reality of the market in which it operates, ensuring recovery.

A company that manages to have analysis and action plans centered on the organization will allow for a sustainable future!

Dual Up Consulting Approach & Methodology

Strategic Organizational Analysis is a fundamental vector in the area of business recovery, in order to clearly understand the direction of the business.

With the objective of a common action plan, in light of medium and long-term strategies, the approach to this area of action is carried out using the following methodology:

  • Formulation of organizational goals The goals to be achieved, the importance established for each of the goals and the hierarchy of goals is essential. It is in this first moment that some scenarios and strategic alternatives are defined, aiming to expand or recover the company.
  • External analysis of the environment-  Only a thorough knowledge of the company’s surroundings allows for a realistic analysis and the definition of forecasts based on reliable perspectives, both for expansion and for the recovery of the company.
  • Internal analysis of the company’s strengths and weaknesses – Through a SWOT Analysis, where the company’s strengths and weaknesses are established, in conjunction with the threats and opportunities of the environment, it is possible to define action strategies that allow for the potential of the best the organization has to offer to the market.
  • Choice of strategy or strategy evaluation stage– What strategies to adopt to achieve the previously defined objectives. These objectives can include actions to recover the company or, in turn, to maximize resources and means for expansion.
  • Strategy implementation After defining objectives and strategies, when implementing these points, it is necessary to detail, as much as possible, the hierarchies assigned to each action, as well as intermediate stages of analysis and redefinition, if necessary, of the actions to achieve the defined, long-term results.

* Este site respeita o novo acordo ortográfico

* Este site respeita o novo acordo ortográfico