Export, internationalize, grow, sell abroad, direct investment abroad …
Make these your most repeated words for years to come!

The typology of investment qualification and internationalization of SMEs is structured in two areas with the respective framing in the investment priorities and thematic objectives of the operational financing programs:
- Internationalization of SMEs – aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of SMEs through the development of their qualification processes for the internationalization, valuing immaterial factors of competitiveness, allowing to enhance the increase of their export base and capacity.
- Qualification of SMEs – aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of SMEs through organizational innovation, applying new organizational methods and processes, and increasing flexibility and responsiveness in the global market, using immaterial investments in the area of competitiveness.
- Internationalization of SMEs – aims to strengthen the entrepreneurial capacity of SMEs through the development of their qualification processes for the internationalization, valuing immaterial factors of competitiveness, allowing to enhance the increase of their export base and capacity.
Eligible Projects
The eligibility criteria of the projects are several, among which we highlight some below with particular importance:
- Knowledge of foreign markets;
- The presence on the web, through the digital economy, including the launch of virtual catalogs of goods and services;
- The development and international promotion of brands;
- Prospecting and presence in international markets;
- International marketing;
- Creation of brands and design;
- Development and engineering of products, services and processes;
- Protection of industrial property;
- Hiring of highly qualified human resources by companies, associated with innovation strategies
Eligible Expenses
- Acquisitions for the application of new organizational methods
- Participation in fairs and exhibitions abroad
- Specialized consultancy services, provided by external consultants, related to:
- Prospecting and attracting new customers;
- Promotion actions carried out in foreign markets;
- Marketing campaigns in foreign markets;
- Design and registration costs associated with the creation of new brands;
- Initial costs associated with the domiciliation of applications, initial adhesion to electronic platforms, initial subscription of applications in “software as a service” regimes, creation and initial publication of new electronic content, as well as the inclusion or cataloging in directories or search engines;
- ...
- Obtaining, validating and defending patents and other industrial property registration costs;
- Training of human resources with the following eligible expenses, according to the nature and limits provided for in a specific diploma:
- Staff costs, relative to trainers, for the hours when the trainees participate in the training.
Incentive Rate
- Non-refundable incentive at the rate of 45% (except Human Resources - 50% and Training up to 70%)
- Maximum incentive limit of 500,000 euros
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